
At this stage of great importance, we give priority to the development of multiple languages, which implies the interaction between the different areas of knowledge and a real pedagogical differentiation.

Therefore, our main goal is to promote the full and balanced development of each child, in their personal, social and cognitive skills, which will be the basis not only for a promising school future, but also and above all, for the multiple challenges they will face in life.

Through an articulate work between the two different classrooms (kindergarten and pre-school), which gradually stimulate the child with their activities, we have proposed ourselves to achieve the following goals:

  • To help the children believe in themselves by recognising their strengths and weaknesses;
  • To improve their confidence in their classmates and adults;
  • To acquire autonomy and responsibility for their decisions and to be able to have some self-control;
  • To smoothly change their typical age behaviour of egocentrism into altruism;
  • To progressively start working in larger groups;
  • To develop their fine skills and improve their motor, plastic, musical and drama skills;
  • To discriminate visual, tactile, taste, olfactory and auditory stimuli;
  • To acquire the notion of place and time, first concerning their own body and later referring to other objects or people;
  • To define their laterality;
  • To be able to mentally represent spatial movements;
  • To develop their speaking skills;
  • To apply mathematical concepts to their daily life experiences;
  • To stimulate their curiosity to try to find the answers for their questions;
  • To get them in touch with science in order for them to feel more curious and feel the need to learn; And so many others possible at this early stage of learning!

Now that you know us better